Practice Newsletter Jan 17
We hope 2017 has gotten off to a good start for you. Often at the beginning of a new year we reflect and make plans. Hopefully looking after your eyes is on the list for 2017.
Most people would say their eyesight is the sense they would least like to loose. Yet there are 2 million people in the UK living with sight loss which could have been reversible.
In 2005 and 2008 I was fortunate enough to volunteer for Vision Aid Overseas in India and Uganda. In the rural placeswe visited, I witnessed how simple visual problems like short sightedness, need for reading glasses and cataracts had such a profound effect on education and livelihood.
Get Your Eyes Tested and Help Vision Aid Overseas
So if you have your eyes tested in February we will donate all proceeds to Vision Aid Overseas. Our goal is to raise £1500.
Founded in 1985, Vision Aid Overseas has been helping some of the poorest people in the world to see properly for over 30 years. Whether you are a teacher in Ghana, a seamstress in Zambia, or a school pupil in Ethiopia, poor eye sight can have a devastating impact on your life and livelihood.
Vision Aid Overseas Vision
No one lives in poverty because of poor eyesight; no one lives with poor eyesight because of poverty.
Vision Aid Overseas Mission
To enable people living in poverty to access affordable glasses and eye care.
Look After Your Vision & Get A £45 Gift Certificate As A Thank You From Us
When you get your eyes examined in February, not only will you be looking after your vision and helping raise money for Vision Aid Overseas, we’ll also give you a £45 gift certificate that you can use towards new eyewear (which technically means your eye exam will be free if you get new glasses). So you will get a little extra as a thank you for looking after the health of your eyes and helping someone else because of the funds we raise.