Glasses Prescription

Understanding Your Glasses Prescription: Decoding the Numbers and Terms

Receiving your glasses prescription can often feel like deciphering a secret code, with various numbers, symbols, and abbreviations that may seem puzzling at first glance. Knowing how to interpret this important information is crucial in ensuring that your eyewear is perfectly tailored to your unique visual needs, providing optimal clarity and comfort.

In this practical guide, we aim to demystify glasses prescriptions and provide a clear explanation of the various numbers and terms you may encounter. By understanding your prescription, you can make more informed decisions when selecting eyewear, effectively communicate with your optometrist, and confidently navigate the world of vision correction glasses.

Let Perspective Optometrists guide you through the process, offering expert advice and support to ensure a seamless eyewear experience tailored to your unique requirements.

The Basics of Your Glasses Prescription

Understanding your glasses prescription begins with getting acquainted with the key terms and sections contained within. Let’s explore the basic elements of a prescription to provide a foundation for interpreting the details.

  • OD (oculus dexter) and OS (oculus sinister): OD and OS are abbreviations for your right and left eyes, respectively. Your prescription will specify measurements separately for each eye, as it’s common for individuals to have different requirements for each side.
  • SPH (sphere): The sphere value denotes the amount of lens power needed to correct your vision due to nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia). The value is measured in diopters (D) and may include ‘+’ or ‘-‘ signs before the number. While a ‘+’ indicates farsightedness correction, a ‘-‘ represents nearsightedness correction.
  • ADD (addition): A number indicated in the ‘ADD’ section of your prescription refers to the additional correction needed for presbyopia, a common age-related vision issue that affects reading and close-up tasks. The ADD value is typically added to the SPH value for bifocals or multifocal lenses.
  • PD (pupillary distance): Measured in millimetres, the PD value represents the distance between the centres of your pupils. This measurement ensures that your lenses are accurately aligned with your pupils, providing optimal visual clarity and comfort.

Astigmatism Corrections in Your Prescription

Astigmatism, an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, can cause blurred or distorted vision at all distances. If your prescription includes corrections for astigmatism, you’ll notice two additional values:

  • CYL (cylinder): This value, also measured in diopters, indicates the power needed to correct astigmatism. Like the SPH value, the CYL value can also have a ‘+’ or ‘-‘ sign preceding the number.
  • AXIS: Measured in degrees, the axis value denotes the angle at which the cylindrical correction should be positioned to provide optimal vision clarity for astigmatism sufferers.

Understanding Prism Corrections

Though less common, some glasses prescriptions may include prism correction values. A prism correction is used to treat binocular vision issues, such as strabismus (crossed or misaligned eyes) or convergence insufficiency (inability to coordinate both eyes when focusing on nearby objects). The key elements of a prism correction include:

  • Prism: This value is indicated in prism diopters (PD), specifying the strength required to correct the misalignment of the eyes.
  • Base: Accompanied by the prism value, the base represents the direction in which the prism should be placed within the lens. The base may be denoted by abbreviations such as BU (base up), BD (base down), BI (base in), or BO (base out).

How Prescription Values May Vary for Distance and Reading Glasses

Your prescription may indicate different lens powers depending on the type of corrective eyewear you require, such as single-vision, bifocals, or multifocal lenses.

For distance glasses (used for correcting nearsightedness or farsightedness), the SPH value is the primary lens power used.

In the case of reading glasses (for correcting presbyopia), the ADD value is added to the SPH value for both eyes. This new sum determines the lens power required for close-up tasks.

For bifocals or progressive/multifocal lenses, both distance and near-vision corrections are included in one lens.

Recognising Your Visual Needs by Analysing Your Prescription

Understanding your glasses prescription not only allows you to accurately describe your visual needs but also helps you make better decisions when selecting eyewear. Here’s how your prescription can be used to determine your visual requirements:

  • Nearsightedness (myopia): If your SPH values display a ‘-‘ sign, you are nearsighted and require correction for clear long-distance vision.
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia): If your SPH values display a ‘+’ sign, you are farsighted, needing corrective lenses for clearer near-vision tasks, such as reading.
  • Astigmatism: The presence of CYL and AXIS values in your prescription indicates that you require correction for astigmatism.
  • Presbyopia: If your prescription includes an ADD value, this suggests that you need correction for age-related issues with near-vision tasks (such as reading) and may benefit from multifocal lenses.

By knowing how to read your glasses prescription, you can better communicate your visual needs with your optometrist and make more informed decisions about your eyewear choices. Remember, however, to always consult with a qualified optometrist to ensure an accurate eye examination and proper interpretation of your glasses prescription.

Empower Yourself with Optimal Vision and Expert Care

By understanding your glasses prescription, you gain valuable insights into your unique visual needs, allowing for more informed decisions when it comes to selecting the perfect eyewear. However, the expertise and guidance of dedicated professionals is essential for ensuring accurate prescriptions and addressing specific concerns.

At Perspective Optometrists, our experienced team is committed to providing exceptional eye care services tailored to your individual needs. From comprehensive eye examinations to guidance on selecting stylish, bespoke eyewear, you can trust us to help you achieve optimal vision and satisfaction.

Are you looking for an optometrist in London who cares about your eye health and style? Look no further than Perspective Optometrists! Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care to each of our patients, helping you find the perfect prescription and designer glasses to fit your unique needs and tastes. Don’t wait any longer to take control of your eye health and style – book an appointment with Perspective Optometrists today and experience the difference personalized care can make!

healthy eyes

7 Essential Tips for Optimal Eye Care: Maintaining Healthy Eyes

Your eyes play an essential role in your overall well-being, and ensuring their health is crucial to maintaining your quality of life. At Perspective Optometrists, we understand the importance of eye care, and we’re committed to helping our clients achieve optimal eye health through professional expertise and support.

In this informative listicle, we’ll share seven essential tips for maintaining healthy eyes and promoting long-lasting visual well-being. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can not only safeguard your vision but also improve your overall health. From regular eye exams to a balanced diet, find out how you can prioritise your eye care while enjoying the benefits of strong visual well-being. Allow the experts at Perspective Optometrists to guide you on your journey to healthier, more vibrant eyes with these practical and invaluable tips.

1. Regular Eye Exams are Crucial

Scheduling routine eye exams is an essential element of maintaining optimal eye health. These appointments not only identify any changes in your vision but also detect signs of potential eye-related issues early, enabling prompt treatment. It’s recommended that adults undergo an eye exam every two years, with those over the age of 60 receiving annual check-ups. However, if you have pre-existing conditions or a family history of eye problems, more frequent examinations may be necessary.

At Perspective Optometrists, our qualified professionals perform comprehensive eye exams to assess your vision and eye health, enabling swift and effective intervention where required.

2. Eat a Balanced and Nutrient-Rich Diet

A well-balanced diet is vital for optimal eye care and overall health. Nutrient-rich foods that are particularly beneficial for your eyes include:

– Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, which are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, essential for eye health.

– Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, which contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, reduce dry eye symptoms and help visual development.

– Eggs, an excellent source of lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc, help prevent age-related macular degeneration.

– Citrus fruits, packed with vitamin C, contribute to healthy blood vessels in the eyes and may help combat the development of cataracts.

A diverse and balanced diet ensures your body receives the essential nutrients needed for proper visual function and overall well-being.

3. Protect Your Eyes from Harmful UV Rays

Extended exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays increases the risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. While sunglasses are a popular fashion accessory, their primary function is to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. When purchasing sunglasses, look for a pair that blocks 99-100% of UVA and UVB radiation, is close-fitting, and has large lenses to shield your eyes from all angles. Don’t let darker tints fool you; ensure the sunglasses meet the necessary UV protection standards.

Perspective Optometrists offers a range of stylish sunglasses from niche eyewear brands, providing optimal UV protection without sacrificing your unique sense of style.

4. Give Your Eyes a Break from Digital Screens

With the widespread use of smartphones, computers, and other digital screens, digital eye strain has become a common issue. Prolonged screen time can cause symptoms such as eye discomfort, dryness, and blurred vision. To reduce digital eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. This practice enables your eyes to refresh and minimises strain. Additionally, adjust your screen brightness and ensure proper lighting to reduce glare and further decrease eye discomfort.

5. Maintain Optimal Hygiene and Eye Care Practices

Practising proper hygiene and eye care habits is crucial to maintaining healthy eyes. If you wear contact lenses, follow the recommended guidelines for cleaning, storing, and replacing them to minimise the risk of infection or other complications. Avoid touching your eyes with unwashed hands, as this can introduce bacteria and lead to infections.

If you notice any discomfort, redness, or discharge in your eyes, consult an eye care professional at Perspective Optometrists to ensure your concerns are promptly addressed.

6. Stay Physically Active

Regular physical activity not only improves general health but also contributes to maintaining healthy eyes. Exercise increases blood circulation, promoting the efficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your eyes, while also reducing pressure within the eyes for those at risk of developing glaucoma. Consult your healthcare professional to find an exercise regimen suited to your fitness level and health needs.

7. Manage Existing Health Conditions

Effectively managing pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, is critical for maintaining eye health. These conditions can lead to systemic problems that may result in complications like diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, or glaucoma. Regular medical check-ups, a balanced diet, and consistent exercise can help in managing these conditions and maintaining your eye health. Consult your healthcare professional for tailored advice and support.

By incorporating these seven essential tips into your daily routine, you can work towards achieving optimal eye health and enjoying the benefits of vibrant, long-lasting vision.

Achieve Optimal Eye Health with Perspective Optometrists

Maintaining healthy eyes requires a combination of regular eye exams, balanced nutrition, eye protection, proper hygiene, and an active lifestyle. By adopting these essential eye care habits, you can prioritise your visual well-being and enjoy the advantages of clear vision throughout your life.

If you’re ready to take control of your eye health, the professionals at Perspective Optometrists in London are committed to providing expert guidance, high-quality niche eyewear, and exceptional eye care services. Visit the best opticians in London today to schedule a comprehensive eye exam and gain access to personalised advice tailored to your unique needs. Together, let’s pave the way to a future of optimal eye health by prioritising your vision with the experts at Perspective Optometrists.

woman wearing glasses

Blue Light Glasses: Unravelling Myths & Facts

The concept of blue light glasses has gained significant attention in recent years, with claims of improved eye comfort and reduced digital eye strain frequently touted as major benefits. However, it’s crucial to sift through the information and separate fact from fiction when determining if this type of eyewear is suitable for you.

In this FAQ-style article, we will address common questions and misconceptions about blue light glasses, delving into the science behind their function and discussing potential advantages. With the guidance of the expert team at Perspective Optometrists, you can navigate through the sea of misinformation and make an informed decision regarding blue light glasses, ultimately ensuring your eye care needs are met with precision and care.

What Is Blue Light and How Does It Affect Our Vision?

Blue light is a component of visible light, present in sunlight as well as emitted by digital screens, such as smartphones, computers, and televisions. This high-energy visible (HEV) light can have a significant impact on our overall eye health and daily comfort. According to a Harvard Medical School study, blue light exposure at night may disrupt our natural sleep patterns, contributing to potential sleep disorders. Furthermore, research suggests that prolonged exposure to blue light may lead to digital eye strain, causing symptoms like blurred vision, eye fatigue, and headaches.

How Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Blue light glasses contain lenses that are designed to filter out a portion of blue light emitted by digital screens. By doing so, these glasses claim to mitigate the effects of digital eye strain and maintain better eye comfort during extended screen use. They also aim to improve sleep quality by reducing blue light exposure during evening hours.

It’s important to note, however, that blue light glasses are not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not eliminate all blue light-related issues. They should be considered as an additional tool for promoting good eye health, alongside regular breaks from screens and maintaining a comfortable screen distance.

Do Blue Light Glasses Actually Offer Benefits?

While there are anecdotal reports from users experiencing relief from digital eye strain and improved sleep patterns, scientific evidence supporting the benefits of blue light glasses is limited. Some studies have shown a positive correlation between blue light-filtering lenses and reduced eye strain, while others have found little to no measurable effect.

Given the varied results, the potential effectiveness of blue light glasses may depend on individual factors and the severity of the eye strain experienced due to digital screen use.

What to Consider before Buying Blue Light Glasses

Before investing in blue light glasses, it’s essential to weigh up the factors and consider whether they’re right for your specific needs. Here are some points to keep in mind:

1. Consult an optometrist: If you’re experiencing eye strain or sleep issues, it’s crucial to discuss your symptoms with a qualified optometrist. They can evaluate your eye health and provide personalised advice on whether blue light glasses could be beneficial or if there are other underlying factors contributing to your discomfort.

2. Keep realistic expectations: While blue light glasses may offer some relief, they are not a guaranteed solution for all blue light-related issues. It’s important to maintain a comprehensive approach to eye care, including taking regular breaks from screens, implementing the 20-20-20 rule (every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds), and adjusting the screen brightness and contrast.

3. Quality matters: If you decide to purchase blue light glasses, ensure they are of high quality and come from a credible retailer. Not all blue light lenses are created equal, and poorly constructed lenses can do more harm than good by distorting the image or not providing adequate protection.

4. Consider lens colour: Some blue light glasses contain yellow or amber-tinted lenses, which can help with blue light filtering. However, these tints may alter colour perception for some people, so carefully consider whether this is a suitable option for your needs.

5. Effect on sleep: While blue light glasses are often advertised as helping to improve sleep, it’s essential to remember that reducing overall screen time, especially during evening hours, can have a more significant impact on sleep quality than solely relying on glasses.

Alternatives to Blue Light Glasses for Eye Comfort

Aside from blue light glasses, there are alternative methods to promote eye comfort and reduce the effects of digital eye strain. These include:

1. Screen filters: Blue light screen filters can be applied to your digital devices to reduce the amount of blue light emitted, mitigating some of the potential eye strain caused by prolonged screen usage.

2. Monitor adjustments: Adjusting the brightness and contrast settings on your digital screens can reduce eye strain. Many devices now offer built-in blue light reduction settings, such as ‘Night Shift’ on iOS devices or ‘Night Light’ on Windows computers.

3. Computer glasses: These are non-prescription glasses specifically designed for individuals who spend extended periods of time working on computers. They typically have anti-reflective coatings and may help reduce eye strain symptoms.

4. Ergonomic improvements: Ensuring that your screens are positioned at a suitable height and distance, as well as maintaining good posture while working, can significantly reduce eye strain, neck discomfort, and other physical issues associated with extended screen use.

By understanding the facts and myths surrounding blue light glasses, you can make an informed decision on whether this type of eyewear could be beneficial for you or if alternative measures prove more suitable to meet your eye care needs.

Embrace Eye Comfort with Expert Guidance

Navigating the world of blue light glasses and deciphering fact from fiction can be challenging. However, the experienced team at Perspective Optometrists is here to guide you in making informed decisions about your eye care needs, whether it’s considering blue light glasses or exploring alternative solutions for digital eye strain.

Don’t let discomfort hinder your daily life and productivity. Trust Perspective Optometrists to provide expert advice and the highest quality eyewear for your unique requirements. Book an appointment today to take the first step towards clearer vision and optimal eye health. Our dedicated professionals will ensure all your questions about blue light glasses are answered, and that you receive the personalised care you deserve. Get an eye test in London today!

eye problem

5 Common Eye Issues & Prevention Tips: A Guide

Our eyes are vital organs that often require more care and attention than we may realise. In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, many individuals experience a myriad of common eye issues that can significantly impact their quality of life. At Perspective Optometrists, we believe in the importance of proactive eye care to protect your vision and maintain optimal eye health.

In this informative listicle, we explore five common eye problems and offer practical advice on how to prevent these issues. By drawing on the expertise of Perspective Optometrists, this article aims to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to safeguard your eyes and avoid potential complications. So, let’s dive right in and discover how to take control of your eye health and allow your eyes to function at their best.

1. Dry Eyes: Causes and Prevention

Dry eyes are a common condition characterised by a lack of adequate tear production or poor-quality tears, leading to discomfort, redness, and blurred vision. Several factors can contribute to dry eyes, such as age, hormonal changes, exposure to digital screens, and environmental conditions.

To prevent dry eyes, follow these tips:

  • Take breaks from screen time: Practice the 20/20/20 rule—every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on something 20 feet away.
  • Blink frequently: Remember to blink consciously throughout the day, especially when using digital devices.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help maintain tear production.
  • Use a humidifier: Maintain proper humidity levels in your surroundings to prevent dry air from causing eye discomfort.
  • Consider eye drops: Seek advice from your optometrist and use lubricating eye drops to alleviate dryness and maintain eye comfort.

2. Digital Eye Strain: Causes and Prevention

Digital eye strain (also known as computer vision syndrome) is a consequence of prolonged use of computers, smartphones, and tablets. Symptoms include blurred vision, eye fatigue, headaches, and dryness. To alleviate and prevent digital eye strain, consider implementing these tips:

  • Adjust your working space: Ensure your workspace is ergonomically designed, with proper lighting and screen positioning to reduce glare and strain on your eyes.
  • Minimise glare: Adjust your device’s brightness, contrast, and background settings to optimal levels, and consider investing in an anti-glare screen protector.
  • Follow the 20/20/20 rule: As mentioned earlier, this rule helps reduce eye strain by refocusing your eyes at regular intervals.
  • Blue light glasses: Consult your optometrist about the potential benefits of blue light glasses to minimise exposure to harmful blue light emitted by digital screens.

3. Eye Allergies: Causes and Prevention

Eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, occur when the eyes react to allergens in the air, causing itching, redness, and swelling. Common allergens include pollen, dust, and pet dander. To prevent eye allergies, consider the following tips:

  • Avoid allergens: Identify your specific allergens and take steps to reduce your exposure to them.
  • Keep your environment clean: Regular cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting can minimise the presence of allergens.
  • Wear protective eyewear: Wear wraparound sunglasses to shield your eyes from allergens when outdoors.
  • Prescription eye drops: Consult your optometrist on suitable eye drops to alleviate allergy symptoms and provide relief.

4. Cataracts: Causes and Prevention

Cataracts occur when the eye’s lens becomes cloudy, leading to blurred or distorted vision. They commonly develop due to ageing, but other factors, such as exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, smoking, and diabetes, can contribute to their formation.

Preventive measures for cataracts include:

  • Protect your eyes from UV light: Wear sunglasses with 100% UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful UV radiation.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, can reduce the risk of cataract development.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking increases the risk of cataracts. Opt for a smoking cessation programme to improve your overall eye health.
  • Control blood sugar levels: Long-term high blood sugar associated with diabetes can increase the risk of cataracts. If you have diabetes, work with your medical team to manage and regulate blood sugar levels.

5. Glaucoma: Causes and Prevention

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases resulting from increased pressure within the eye, damaging the optic nerve and leading to vision loss if left untreated. While genetic factors and age contribute to glaucoma risk, certain steps can help maintain eye health:

  • Regular eye exams: Regular comprehensive eye examinations, including intraocular pressure checks, are key in glaucoma detection and prevention.
  • Exercise: Moderate, consistent exercise can lower intraocular pressure, reducing the risk of developing glaucoma. Consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen.
  • Limit caffeine intake: High doses of caffeine can temporarily elevate intraocular pressure. Limit your caffeine intake and avoid excessive consumption.
  • Elevate your head during sleep: Use a wedge pillow to keep your head elevated if your optometrist advises.

Safeguard Your Vision with Perspective Optometrists

Understanding and addressing common eye issues is crucial for maintaining optimal eye health and vision. By implementing the preventive measures outlined in this article, you can minimise the impact of these conditions and protect your vision for years to come. At Perspective Optometrists, we’re dedicated to assisting you on your journey to optimal eye health.

Schedule an appointment with our experienced and knowledgeable optometrists in London to receive personalised advice tailored to your specific needs. Your eye health deserves the best care possible, and our team at Perspective Optometrists is committed to guiding you every step of the way. Don’t delay—book your consultation now and take charge of your eye health today.


Choosing the Perfect Eyewear: From Face Shapes to Frame Styles

Selecting the perfect pair of eyeglasses is more than just finding a functional tool to correct your vision; it’s about discovering an accessory that enhances both your appearance and confidence. With a wide variety of frame styles available, identifying the one that best complements your unique face shape can elevate not only your overall look but also your comfort and satisfaction. When you invest time and care into selecting a frame that truly suits you, your eyewear becomes an extension of your personal style, seamlessly blending fashion with functionality.

At Perspective Optometrists, we are devoted to providing the finest niche eyewear and eye care in London, and this extends to guiding our clients on their journey to finding the perfect pair of glasses. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key aspects of choosing the ideal eyewear – uncovering the different face shapes, exploring the wide range of frame styles available, and sharing valuable insights on how to select a frame that genuinely aligns with your individual profile. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make an informed choice, transforming the process of selecting eyewear into an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

Join us as we navigate the world of face shapes and frame styles, empowering you to discover your perfect eyewear match – a pair that not only caters to your vision needs but also beautifully accentuates your features, adding the finishing touch to your personal aesthetic.

1. Recognising Your Face Shape: The First Step in Your Eyewear Journey

In order to select the perfect eyewear, it’s essential to first identify your face shape. While there are many variations, the following five categories are commonly recognised in the world of eyewear:

  • Oval: Characterised by well-balanced proportions, with a slightly wider forehead, prominent cheekbones, and a narrowing towards the chin.
  • Round: Traits include full cheeks, a rounded forehead and chin, and generally softer, curved lines.
  • Square: Marked by a broad forehead, strong jawline, and angular features, with the width and length of the face being approximately the same.
  • Heart: Identified by a wider forehead, high cheekbones, and a narrowing towards the chin and jawline.
  • Long: Distinguished by an elongated, rectangular face shape, with the forehead, cheeks, and jawline being roughly equal in width.

Take a closer look at your features in the mirror and, if needed, ask for advice from a friend or optician. Determining your face shape is the foundation for discovering which frame styles may suit you best.

2. Exploring Frame Styles: An Array of Options

With the vast range of frame styles available, you’re sure to find one that aligns with your unique face shape and personal preferences. Here are some popular frame styles and their distinctive features:

  • Rectangle: Characterised by an angular shape and straight lines, these frames often provide a sense of stability and structure to the face.
  • Round: Offering softer lines and vintage appeal, round frames can add balance to angular features and enhance the natural curvature of the face.
  • Cat-eye: Defined by an upswept design that highlights the cheekbones, this iconic style evokes glamour and sophistication.
  • Aviator: A classic design with a double bridge and a teardrop shape, aviator frames exude a timeless and effortlessly cool aesthetic.
  • Square: Featuring strong lines and a bold presence, square frames can ground your look and provide eye-catching contrast to softer features.
  • Semi-rimless: With a minimalistic design and a lightweight feel, semi-rimless frames offer an understated, modern appeal.

3. Pairing Frame Styles with Face Shapes: The Perfect Match

Now that we’ve identified your face shape and explored the diverse range of frame styles, it’s time to consider which design would most effectively accentuate your features:

  • For oval faces: As the most balanced face shape, virtually any frame style will suit. Enhance your natural symmetry by avoiding frames that are too large or too small for your features.
  • For round faces: Opt for angular frames such as square or rectangular designs, which can provide contrast and balance to your soft lines and full cheeks.
  • For square faces: Consider round or oval-shaped frames to soften your strong features, while steering clear of overly angular styles that could accentuate your face’s distinct lines.
  • For heart-shaped faces: Aim for frames that are wider at the bottom, such as cat-eye or round styles, to balance the width of your forehead and highlight your cheekbones.
  • For long faces: Choose frames with bold designs, such as square or aviator styles, to add width and break up the elongation of your face.

4. Additional Considerations: Colour, Material & Fit

In addition to the style and face-shape compatibility, there are other factors to consider when selecting your ideal eyewear:

  • Colour: Take into account your skin tone, eye colour, and personal preferences when choosing a frame colour. Highlight your natural features with complementary hues or make a statement with bold, contrasting shades.
  • Material: Eyewear materials range from lightweight metals to durable plastics, with each offering its unique combination of comfort, style, and longevity. Consult your optician for advice on the most suitable material for your needs and lifestyle.
  • Fit: For optimal comfort, it’s crucial to find a frame that fits securely on your nose and ears, without causing discomfort or slippage. Consult with an Perspective Optometrists optician to ensure your frames are correctly adjusted for your unique facial structure.


The art of choosing the perfect eyewear lies in the harmonious pairing of your unique face shape with a frame style that accentuates your natural features and reflects your personal style. By understanding the various face shapes, exploring the vast array of frame styles, and considering additional factors, the journey towards finding your ideal eyewear becomes an enjoyable voyage of self-discovery and creativity.

At Perspective Optometrists, our passionate team of London-based opticians is dedicated to guiding you through this process, offering personalised advice and a diverse collection of niche eyewear solutions. Visit our optical store today to embark on your own eyewear journey and unearth the perfect frame that will not only cater to your vision needs but also exquisitely elevate your appearance, empowering you to see and be seen with confidence and grace.

digital eye strain

Blue Light Protection: Safeguarding Against the Effects of Digital Eye Strain

In our increasingly digitally connected world, the amount of time spent in front of screens – be it computers, tablets, smartphones, or televisions – has significantly risen, alongside an influx of associated health concerns. One such issue is digital eye strain (or Computer Vision Syndrome) which is often related to the exposure to blue light emitted by digital screens. Understanding the effects of blue light on our vision, and adopting appropriate safeguards to protect our eyes, is not only essential for ensuring optimal eye health but also overall well-being and productivity.

This comprehensive guide seeks to enlighten and inform readers on the impact of blue light on our eyes, the everyday symptoms of digital eye strain, and how incorporating blue light filtering lenses into your eyewear can help shield and preserve your vision in our technology-driven era. Immerse yourself in this insightful discussion on blue light protection and arm yourself with the knowledge and practical advice to overcome the challenges of digital eye strain, ensuring that your eyes remain fatigue-free, refreshed, and comfortably engaged, no matter how long you spend in front of a screen.

1. Decoding Blue Light: The Effects on Our Eyes and Sleep

Blue light is a high-energy visible (HEV) light, located on the blue end of the colour spectrum, and is emitted by digital screens, LED lights, and sunlight. While blue light in moderate levels can be beneficial, excessive exposure can lead to various health issues. The two main areas of concern are:

  • Digital Eye Strain: Extended periods of screen time and blue light exposure can lead to symptoms such as eye fatigue, dryness, headaches, and blurred vision – collectively referred to as digital eye strain or Computer Vision Syndrome.
  • Sleep Disruption: Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Consequently, excessive exposure to blue light in the evening can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and poor-quality sleep.

Understanding the impact of blue light on our eyes and overall well-being is crucial in taking the necessary precautions to protect our vision and health.

2. Identifying the Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain

Being mindful of the everyday symptoms of digital eye strain allows you to recognise the issue early on and take prompt measures to address it. Common symptoms include:

  • Eye discomfort or irritation
  • Dry, red or watery eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty focusing on screens or fine print
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Neck, shoulder, or back pain
  • Blurred or double vision

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you consult with an optician from Perspective Optometrists to discuss potential solutions and preventative measures for managing digital eye strain.

3. Blue Light Filtering Lenses: Enhancing Eye Comfort

One effective solution for tackling the effects of digital eye strain is incorporating blue light filtering lenses into your eyewear. These specially designed lenses filter out a portion of the blue light emitted by screens, offering the following benefits:

Reducing Digital Eye Strain: Blue light filtering lenses alleviate eye fatigue and discomfort by decreasing the quantity of blue light reaching your eyes. This, in turn, minimises the symptoms associated with digital eye strain.
Enhancing Visual Comfort:Using blue light filtering lenses can improve visual contrast and reduce glare, ensuring a more comfortable viewing experience during extended periods in front of a screen.
Protecting Your Sleep: By filtering out blue light, these lenses can help safeguard your natural sleep patterns, contributing to a more restful and refreshing night’s sleep.

At Perspective Optometrists, our expert opticians can guide you in selecting the most suitable blue light filtering lenses and eyewear solutions that cater to your visual requirements and lifestyle.

4. Beyond Blue Light Lenses: Eye Care Tips for the Digital Age

In addition to adopting blue light filtering eyewear, there are several other measures you can undertake to optimise your eye health while using screens:

  • Observe the 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and gaze at an object situated 20 feet away to relax your eye muscles and reduce eye strain.
  • Maintain an Appropriate Screen Distance: Keep your screen at least an arm’s length away and position it slightly below eye level to reduce exposure and strain.
  • Adjust Screen Settings: optimising your screen’s brightness, contrast, and font size can minimise eye strain and improve visual comfort.
  • Blink Frequently: Actively remind yourself to blink to keep your eyes moistened, reducing the risk of dryness and irritation.


As we continue to embrace technology in our daily lives, safeguarding our eyes against the effects of blue light exposure and digital eye strain is of paramount importance. By understanding the impact of blue light on our vision and overall well-being, alongside implementing a combination of blue light filtering lenses and eye care practices, we can unlock a more comfortable, healthier viewing experience.

At Perspective Optometrists, our team of the best opticians in London is devoted to delivering niche eyewear and eye care solutions that cater to the unique needs of our clients in this digital age. Let us ensure you can enjoy technology confidently and comfortably, without compromising your vision or overall health. Contact us today to book an appointment and discover a wealth of blue light filtering eyewear options designed to protect your eyes!



Art of Eyewear: A Beginner’s Guide to Different Frame Materials and Their Benefits

The world of eyewear is a tapestry of innovation, style, and functionality, with a variety of options designed to suit any wearer’s preferences and needs. One crucial aspect that sets different eyewear pieces apart is the frame material, which can significantly impact durability, comfort, and style. As a leading niche eyewear provider, Perspective Optometrists understands the importance of choosing the right frame material to meet not only your visual needs but also your personal taste and lifestyle requirements.

In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we will introduce you to the various types of frame materials available in the eyewear market, providing insights into their unique benefits and characteristics. We will discuss the advantages of materials such as acetate, titanium, and stainless steel, among others, so you can make an informed decision when selecting your next pair of glasses. Our goal is to help you navigate the rich tapestry of eyewear frame materials, ensuring that your choice aligns with your style, values, and visual needs.

So, whether you are new to the world of eyewear or a seasoned glasses-wearer looking to expand your knowledge, join us in exploring the art of eyewear and uncovering the benefits of the various frame materials available to you. After all, choosing the perfect pair of glasses doesn’t just revolve around aesthetics and functionality – it’s also about embracing the beauty of materials that tell a story, enrich your life, and transform your vision.

The Art of Eyewear: A Beginner’s Guide to Different Frame Materials and their Benefits

Acetate: Style and Comfort Combined

Acetate is a popular choice for eyewear frames due to its unique combination of style, comfort, and versatility. Derived from renewable resources such as wood pulp and cotton, acetate is an eco-friendly, plant-based plastic material that offers several advantages:

  • Lightweight and Comfortable: Acetate frames are known for their lightweight nature, ensuring a comfortable fit throughout the day.
  • Hypoallergenic: As a non-petroleum-based material, acetate is an excellent option for individuals with skin sensitivities, as it is less likely to cause allergic reactions.
  • Vibrant Colours and Patterns: Acetate’s manufacturing process enables the creation of a vast array of vibrant patterns and rich, nuanced colours, allowing for greater artistic expression and individuality in frame design.

Titanium: The Durable and Lightweight Metal

Titanium is a highly-valued material in the eyewear industry, offering unparalleled strength and durability without compromising on weight. This corrosion-resistant metal has several benefits that make it a popular choice for eyeglass frames:

  • Strong and Durable: Titanium’s incredible strength-to-weight ratio ensures that your frames can withstand daily wear and tear while maintaining a lightweight and comfortable feel.
  • Hypoallergenic: Titanium is well-suited for those with metal allergies or sensitive skin, as it is both nickel-free and non-allergenic.
  • Resistant to Corrosion: Titanium frames are resistant to corrosion from water, sweat, and other environmental factors, making them a long-lasting and reliable eyewear choice.

Stainless Steel: Affordable and Resilient

Stainless steel is another popular choice for eyeglass frames, characterised by its affordability, durability, and resistance to corrosion. This material offers several advantages for those seeking high-quality eyewear with a budget-friendly price tag:

  • Cost-effective: Stainless steel is more affordable than materials like titanium, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious shoppers without sacrificing quality or style.
  • Resistant to Corrosion: Like titanium, stainless steel frames are resistant to corrosion, ensuring a longer lifespan for your eyewear investment.
  • Strong and Durable: Stainless steel’s strength and rigidity help maintain the shape and structure of your frames, providing consistent and dependable support for your lenses.

Wood and Bamboo: A Sustainable, Natural Choice

Wood and bamboo frames are an increasingly popular choice for those seeking a more sustainable and eco-friendly eyewear option. These materials offer several unique benefits:

  • Natural and Sustainable: Both wood and bamboo are renewable resources that promote sustainable eyewear manufacturing, appealing to environmentally-conscious consumers.
  • Lightweight and Comfortable: Wooden frames often boast a lightweight and comfortable fit, ensuring ease of wear throughout the day.
  • Unique and Stylish: As each piece of wood and bamboo features unique natural grains and patterns, your frames will be truly one-of-a-kind, showcasing your distinctive style.

Mixed Materials: The Best of Both Worlds

For those who wish to enjoy the advantages of various frame materials simultaneously, many eyewear manufacturers are now offering frames that combine multiple materials, such as:

  • Metal and Acetate: Pairing the strength and durability of metal materials with the vibrant colours and lightweight nature of acetate, these hybrid frames offer the best of both worlds.
  • Wood and Metal: Combining the unique aesthetic of wood with the structural support of metal materials, this type of frame combines sustainably sourced beauty with dependable function.


Choosing the right eyewear frame material is an important decision that not only impacts your overall comfort and style but also the longevity and performance of your glasses. By understanding the unique benefits and characteristics of various frame materials, you can confidently select the perfect pair of glasses that cater to your personal preferences and needs. 

At Perspective Optometrists, our knowledgeable team of eyewear specialists is dedicated to guiding you through the array of frame material options and helping you find the perfect match for your lifestyle. Visit our London optical store and embrace the art of eyewear with our expert assistance from our eye London opticians, ensuring a seamless fusion of aesthetics, quality, and individuality in your eyewear journey!

child's eyewear

Children’s Vision Care: The Importance of Regular Eye Tests and the Right Eyewear

As responsible parents, ensuring the best possible care for our children includes looking after their visual health. With vision playing a crucial role in their learning, growth, and overall development, it is vital that our little ones receive regular eye tests to detect any potential issues early on and to provide them with suitable eyewear if needed. Having a comprehensive understanding of children’s vision care empowers you, as a parent, to make informed decisions about their eye health, ensuring a strong foundation for their future.

At Perspective Optometrists, your trusted London-based opticians, we are devoted to providing the finest niche eyewear and eye care solutions – a commitment that extends to our younger clientele. In this detailed and informative guide, we explore the importance of regular eye tests for children, the common signs of potential vision issues, and the considerations to bear in mind when selecting the right eyewear for your child. Our aim is to equip you with the valuable insights and knowledge needed to cater to your child’s unique visual requirements, offering them the utmost care and support in their journey towards healthy eyesight.

1. The Critical Role of Eye Tests in Children’s Vision Care

Regular eye tests are essential in monitoring your child’s vision health, as they not only ensure their eyesight is developing properly but also identify any potential issues early on. Key aspects of eye tests for children include:

– Detection of Vision Problems: Routine eye examinations can help in the early detection of common vision issues such as myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), and astigmatism (irregular curvature of the eye), enabling timely interventions and treatments.

– Monitoring Eye Functionality: Eye tests also evaluate various aspects of eye functionality, including eye coordination, colour vision, and depth perception, ensuring that your child’s eyes are working together effectively.

– Comprehensive Health Assessment: In addition to detecting vision problems, eye exams can also identify underlying health issues or developmental disorders that may impact eye health, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or even learning disabilities.

Opticians recommend scheduling your child’s first eye test around the age of three and subsequent assessments at least every two years or more frequently if recommended by a healthcare professional.

2. Identifying Signs of Vision Issues in Your Child

As a parent, being aware of the potential indicators of vision problems can help you determine when it may be time for an eye test. Common signs of vision issues in children include:

– Squinting or closing one eye while reading or watching TV

– Sitting too close to the television or holding books or devices very close to their face

– Frequent eye rubbing or blinking

– Complaints of headaches or eye discomfort

– Difficulty focusing or maintaining attention while reading

– Struggling with reading or difficulties recognising letters and numbers

– Poor academic performance or issues with hand-eye coordination

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it is crucial to consult with an optician for a comprehensive eye examination.

3. The Right Eyewear: Empowering Your Child with Perfect Vision

If your child’s eye test reveals the need for corrective lenses, finding the perfect eyewear solution becomes the next vital step. Some essential factors to consider when choosing your child’s eyewear include:

– Lens Material: Children’s glasses should be made of durable, impact-resistant materials such as polycarbonate or Trivex to withstand their active lifestyle, as these materials offer excellent shatter resistance.

– Frame Style and Fit: The right frame should fit comfortably on your child’s face, ensuring it neither pinches their nose nor slides down due to being too large. Your optician will help you choose the appropriate frame style based on your child’s face shape, age, and personal preferences.

– Added Protection: Consider selecting lenses with additional protective features, such as scratch-resistant coatings and UV protection, as these enhancements contribute to the longevity and safety of your child’s eyewear.

Enlisting the expertise of the Perspective Optometrists opticians ensures that your child receives personalised attention, tailored advice, and the most suitable eyewear solution to enhance their visual experience.

4. Building Healthy Habits: Educating Your Child on Vision Care

Educating your child about the importance of vision care establishes healthy habits that will benefit their eyesight in the long run. Encourage the following habits and practices for optimal eye health:

– Regular Eye Tests: Help your child understand the significance of routine eye exams by explaining their purpose and making the experience enjoyable and stress-free.

– Screen Time Balance: Encourage your child to take regular breaks during screen usage by following the “20-20-20” rule – a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.

– Outdoor Play: Children should spend time outdoors in natural sunlight, as this may help reduce the risk of myopia.

– Eye Protection: Teach your child about the necessity of wearing protective eyewear during sports or activities with potential eye hazards, as well as sunglasses for optimal UV protection.


A firm foundation in children’s vision care is paramount for their overall development, learning, and quality of life. By ensuring regular eye tests, selecting the right eyewear, and cultivating healthy habits, you can play a proactive role in safeguarding your child’s visual health for years to come.

At Perspective Optometrists, our team of expert opticians in London is dedicated to offering personalised eye care solutions for every member of the family, catering to each individual’s unique needs and preferences. Visit our London-based optical store now to experience our commitment to excellence in eye care and discover a wide range of niche eyewear solutions that will enable your child to enjoy the world with clarity, confidence, and comfort.

Eye Exams

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams: Beyond Just a Prescription Update

Eye health is vital to our overall well-being, yet many individuals overlook the importance of regular eye examinations. As a leading London-based optician, Perspective Optometrists is dedicated to championing comprehensive eye care and educating our clients on the numerous benefits of routine eye exams. While it’s commonly believed that the primary purpose of these exams is to update your eyewear prescription, the truth is that they serve a more profound purpose—safeguarding your eye health, detecting early signs of ocular conditions, and ensuring optimal visual performance.

In this informative guide, we will delve into the various facets of comprehensive eye examinations, highlighting their importance beyond merely obtaining an updated prescription. Our experienced team at Perspective Optometrists is committed to guiding you through the eye exam process, demonstrating how regular check-ups play a crucial role in maintaining healthy vision, detecting potential issues early, and ensuring that your eyes remain in peak condition throughout your life.

Join us as we explore the myriad benefits of regular eye exams, revealing why they should be considered an essential aspect of self-care and preventative medicine. By understanding the significance of regular check-ups in maintaining your eye health, you’ll be better equipped to stay vigilant, proactive, and informed about your vision, ensuring you can lead a happy, healthy, and visually enriched life.

1. Early Detection of Eye Conditions and Diseases

One of the primary benefits of regular eye exams is the early detection of various eye conditions and diseases. Many of these ailments may not display symptoms until they’ve reached an advanced stage, making routine check-ups essential for proactive eye care. Some conditions that can be detected early during comprehensive exams include:

  • Glaucoma: Characterised by increased pressure within the eye, this condition can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve if left untreated.
  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): A leading cause of vision loss in people over 50, AMD gradually deteriorates the macula, affecting central vision.
  • Cataracts: The clouding of the eye’s natural lens, cataracts obstruct vision and can be identified and managed before they significantly impair sight.

By identifying these conditions in their early stages, your optician can implement effective treatment strategies, helping to preserve your vision and eye health.

2. Monitoring Changes in Overall Eye Health

Regular eye exams enable your optician to monitor and track changes in your overall eye health. These changes may indicate underlying health issues or risk factors for developing specific conditions. Aspects of your eye health that can be tracked include:

  • Ocular pressure: Fluctuations in ocular pressure may signal the risk of developing glaucoma or other eye diseases.
  • Retinal health: Using advanced imaging technology, opticians can examine the health of your retina, which may reveal signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, or other systemic health issues.
  • Dry eye syndrome: Chronic dry eye can lead to discomfort and damage the surface of your eyes. Regular exams can help detect and manage this common condition.

Understanding these changes helps you and your optician make informed decisions about the best course of action for maintaining optimal eye health.

3. Ensuring Accurate and Up-to-date Visual Correction

While the need for an updated prescription may not always be obvious, regular eye exams can ensure that you’re always seeing at your best. Slight changes in your vision may not cause significant discomfort, but they can impact your quality of life by contributing to eye strain, headaches, and difficulty focusing. Regular optician visits help to:

  • Adjust prescriptions: As our eyes change, prescriptions must be updated for glasses or contact lenses, ensuring you always enjoy clear, comfortable vision.
  • Identify refractive errors: Regular exams can help detect refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia, which can all affect the clarity of your vision.
  • Offer lens recommendations: Based on your lifestyle, hobbies, and visual requirements, opticians can recommend the most suitable lens types, such as multifocal lenses or lens coatings, to enhance your visual experience.

4. Comprehensive Assessment of Visual Skills

A thorough eye exam encompasses the assessment of refractive errors and evaluates essential visual skills such as eye coordination and focusing abilities. By assessing these vital skills, opticians can provide personalised recommendations and guidance on improvements or potential issues. Some visual skills assessed during an eye exam include:

  • Eye tracking: The ability of your eyes to follow moving objects, vital for activities such as reading and sports.
  • Depth perception: The capacity to judge distances and perceive the three-dimensional world around you, essential for daily tasks like driving and walking.
  • Focusing skills: The speed and efficiency at which your eyes can change focus, crucial for tasks that require frequent shifts in visual attention, such as working on a computer or switching between near and far objects.

A comprehensive eye exam evaluates these visual skills, ensuring your overall visual performance is at its best.


Regular eye exams are indispensable in maintaining healthy vision and overall eye health. As we’ve explored, these exams serve a far more profound purpose than just updating your eyewear prescription—they play an invaluable role in detecting potential eye conditions, assessing visual skills, and monitoring changes in your eye health.

At Perspective Optometrists, our expert team of London-based opticians is dedicated to providing comprehensive eye care services that cater to your needs. We passionately believe in the importance of regular eye exams as an essential aspect of preventative health care, and our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to guide you through the process and inform you of the best ways to maintain optimal eye health.

Take charge of your eye health today by scheduling a comprehensive eye test in London at Perspective Optometrists, and experience the benefits of regular eye care that transcends the simple update of prescriptions, ensuring you can enjoy a lifetime of clear, comfortable, and healthy vision.

Eyewear Trends

Timeless Eyewear Trends and How to Wear Them

Glasses have evolved over the decades from purely functional to versatile fashion accessories. Iconic eyewear trends have emerged throughout history, shaping the way we perceive and wear glasses even to this day. As London-based opticians championing the finest niche eyewear and eye care, Perspective Optometrists is dedicated to helping you understand the power of these timeless trends and guiding you towards incorporating these classic styles into your current wardrobe.

In this article, we shall dive deep into the stories behind some of the most iconic eyewear designs, from the classic tortoiseshell frames to the crowd-favourite aviators. We will also provide expert advice on how to seamlessly wear these timeless styles in modern contexts, regardless of your face shape or personal aesthetics. This historical voyage will unravel the beauty behind these ever-enduring trends and give you a glimpse into the art of classic eyewear.

Join Perspective Optometrists as we celebrate the enduring appeal of these legendary eyewear designs and reveal the secrets to pulling off these perennial trends with confidence and contemporary flair. By combining your unique style with the charm of classic design, you can create an unparalleled look that stands out and transcends time. So without further ado, let’s turn back the clock and explore the world of timeless eyewear trends and their everlasting influence on fashion and vision.

Timeless Eyewear Trends: A Glimpse into Iconic Styles and How to Wear Them

1. The Time-Honoured Tortoiseshell

Tortoiseshell glasses date back centuries, but their popularity skyrocketed during the early to mid-20th century, gracing the faces of many celebrities and public figures. The beauty of this iconic eyewear trend lies in its versatility and range – from dark, subtle patterns to statement-making, colourful variations. With their striking yet elegant appearance, tortoiseshell frames continue to be a favourite choice among people of all tastes and styles.

How to Wear Them:

To successfully incorporate tortoiseshell frames into your look, there are a few factors to consider. First, pay attention to your skin tone – warmer complexions tend to suit traditional, warm-toned tortoiseshell patterns, while cooler skin tones may be better suited to contrasting or vibrant colour variations.

Another key aspect to consider is the choice of frame shape – classic shapes such as round, square or cat-eye complement the tortoiseshell pattern beautifully. Finally, you can further enhance the aesthetics of your tortoiseshell frames by coordinating your hairstyle, makeup, and outfit.

2. Aviators: A Classic for Any Occasion

Originally designed for pilots in the 1930s, aviator glasses have evolved into a much-loved fashion staple for both men and women, transcending the boundaries of time and trends. The quintessential aviator design often features a thin metal frame and teardrop-shaped lenses, providing a perfect balance between form and function.

How to Wear Them:

The simplicity and versatility of aviator frames make them easy to integrate into any outfit, whether casual or formal. To incorporate this timeless trend, consider factors such as the frame size, material, and colour, as well as your face shape and personal preferences. A well-fitting pair, coupled with the right proportions, will ensure a flattering fit and modern appeal.

Adding a statement lens, such as a mirrored or polarised lens, is another way to elevate the classic aviator design and make it your own. Whether you’re dressing down in jeans and a T-shirt or adding a refined touch to your business attire, aviator glasses can effortlessly adapt to any given situation.

3. Iconic Wayfarers: Unmistakable Style

First introduced by Ray-Ban in the early 1950s, wayfarers have become a symbol of coolness and panache. With their distinctive trapezoidal frame and thick temples, wayfarers make a bold statement while remaining easy to wear and style. The popularity of this trend has led to various iterations and refinements over the years, ensuring that there’s always a wayfarer style for every taste and preference.

How to Wear Them:

When it comes to wearing wayfarer glasses, proportion is key. Like aviator frames, finding the right size and fit for your face shape ensures a flattering look. Wayfarers are typically most suited to square, oval, or elongated face shapes, but with such a wide range of variations, anyone can find a wayfarer style to suit them.

You can experiment with different frame materials and colours, ranging from classic black acetate to transparent or patterned options, to create a unique and personalised look. Pair your wayfarer frames with casual attire for a laid-back weekend ensemble, or dress them up with formalwear for a sophisticated touch.

4. Round Frames: A Nod to the Past

Round glasses have been a recurring eyewear trend throughout the years, with their origins tracing back to the 1920s and 1930s. Encompassing a vintage and intellectual charm, round frames are an excellent choice for those wishing to achieve a classic yet contemporary look.

How to Wear Them:

Round frames work best with angular and sharp face shapes, providing balance and softening features. To successfully style your round eyewear, choose a frame size that complements your features and maintains a balance between the lenses and your face.

Experimenting with metal or acetate materials, as well as different frame colours, can further personalise your look and allow you to make this classic trend your own. For a true vintage-inspired ensemble, pair your round glasses with period-appropriate attire or modern outfits with a retro twist.


Timeless eyewear trends offer an enduring sense of charm and style that transcends generations and fashion eras. By understanding the stories behind these iconic designs and discovering the secrets to wearing them well, you can confidently embrace their everlasting allure. As London’s premier niche frames and eye care specialists, Perspective Optometrists is dedicated to guiding you through the rich history of these classic trends and helping you find the perfect pairing for your unique style. Embrace the beauty of timeless eyewear design and make your mark in the world of fashion and vision.